Rhizo Life

Product Overview

Humic Acids, naturally occurring bio-stimulant compounds derived from the decomposition of carbon-rich organic material. Designed to enhance soil fertility supporting the growth of strong resilient crops.

tomato field

Rhizo Life Hardy 1.7-6-0 Product Features

Organic Farming

Supports organic farming by naturally improving soil health.

Enhances Nutrients

Enhances nutrient availability and absorption, boosting fertilizer effectiveness and slow-release nutrient reserves. Improves solubility of Zn, P, Fe, Mn, and Cu.

Beneficial Soil Microorganisms

Encourages beneficial soil microorganisms and promotes organic matter decomposition and nutrient cycling.

Resist Environmental Stresses

Helps plants resist environmental stresses like drought, salinity, and toxins, while increasing disease and pest resistance.

Stimulates Growth

Stimulates seed germination, root growth, and overall plant resilience.

Improves Soil Structure

Improves soil structure, increasing porosity, aeration, and water retention.

Nutrient Analysis

3% Humic Acids



Featuring Humic Acids

Featuring Humic Acids, naturally occurring bio-stimulant compounds derived from the decomposition of carbon-rich organic material. Designed
to enhance soil fertility supporting the growth of strong resilient crops.


Idaho Research Study

An Idaho research study found that when applied with phosphate, humic acid increased petiole P concentrations, produce quality, and yield especially when applied to calcareous, low organic matter soil.