6-2-0 Micro Mix
6-2-0 Micro Mix

Product Overview
Derived From: Urea, Phosphoric Acid, Magnesium Sulfate, Sodium Borate, Copper Sulfate, Ferrous Sulfate, Manganese Sulfate, and Zinc Sulfate. Complexed with lignosulfonate. 6-2-0 Micro Mix is recommended for all field, row, vegetable, fruit, tree, vine, ornamental and turf crops at a maximum rate of 3 gals/acre/application. 6-2-0 Micro Mix is designed for foliar application to growing crops, alone or with pesticides.
Product Information
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Product Features
6-2-0 Micro Mix

6.00% Total Nitrogen (N)
6% Urea Nitrogen
2.00% Available Phosphate (P2O5)
1.00% Magnesium (Mg)
1.50% Sulfur (S)
0.20% Boron (B)
0.10% Copper (Cu)
1.00% Iron (Fe)
0.50% Manganese (Mn)
1.50% Zinc (Zn)