Product Overview
DE-pHEAT 2® is a clear fertilizer solution containing phosphorus and potassium. DE-pHEAT 2 is designed specifically as a foliar nutrient-buffer system. DE-pHEAT 2, when used as directed, acidifies alkaline waters while providing essential nutrients. DE-pHEAT 2 contains no nitrogen and is safe to use where acidification without a surfactant is required. DE-pHEAT 2 is suitable for reducing the pH of spray water to be applied to field, forage, fruit, nut and vegetable crops destined for fresh market or processing.
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Product Features

16.00% Available Phosphate (P2O5)
10.00% Soluble Potash (K2O)
16.00% Phosphoric Acid
84.00%Constituents Ineffective as Spray Adjuvant
100.00% Total