pHor‑Ti‑Phy 5‑25‑5
pHor-Ti-Phy 5-25-5

Product Overview
pHor-Ti-Phy is a concentrate phosphate foliar product specifically designed to meet high phosphate demands during the growing season. pHor-Ti-Phy is formulated with high quality ingredients to promote entry into actively growing plant tissue. Additionally, pHor-Ti-Phy contains a complement of the micronutrient zinc.
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Product Features
pHor‑Ti‑Phy 5‑25‑5

5.00% Total Nitrogen (N)
3.40% Urea Nitrogen
1.60% Nitrate Nitrogen
25.00% Available Phosphate (P2O5)
5.00% Soluble Potash (K2O)
0.20% Zinc (Zn)