Sphere O'Life
Ambulant Prime

Product Overview

Consider a dual strategy: enhancing the availability of existing nutrients while simultaneously introducing a supplementary source. Fulvic nutrient complex with Boron, Cobalt, Copper, Iron, Molybdenum, Manganese, Zinc, and Sulphur.


Sphere o' Life Ambulant Prime Product Features

Binds Nutrients

Binds nutrients and minerals into plant available forms

Better Nutrient

Better nutrient absorption through leaves

Microscopic Molecules

Microscopic molecules help bind excess salts and restore soil organic matter and carbon

Improve soil Structure

Improve soil structure & fertility and better water holding capacity & soil aggregation

Nutrient Analysis

1.5% Sulfur
0.1% Boron
0.03% Cobalt
0.11% Copper

1.8% Iron
0.2% Manganese
0.08% Molybdenum
1.25% Zinc


Ease of Use

Clean and safe to use, Flowable through common, Iirrigation systems, Compatible with other products, Doesn’t affect pH and EC of solution.