Rhizo life
Soil-applied products, designed to enhance root development, replenish the soil, and improve nutrient uptake, promoting healthier plant growth from the ground up.

Leaf Life
Foliar-applied products providing direct nutrition and protection to the plant, ensuring optimal photosynthesis and stress resistance for robust plant health.

Sphere O'Life
Versatile products applied to both soil and leaves, offering plant support for enhanced
growth, nutrient efficiency, and overall resilience.
Specialty Products
Commitment & Values
Make soils productive with minimal work and input. Our number 1 goal is to provide grower friendly products.
Featured Products
Make soils more productive with less work and input. Our products include natural minerals, nutritional sources, biostimulants, biologicals, and other organic fertilizers and soil amendments that work together to rejuvenate, replenish, and regenerate the soil.
Custom Solutions
Specialty Products offers custom blends, tailored packaging, and strong agronomic advice. Dry bio-nutritionals are delivered bulk or in 1 ton supersacs. Liquid bio-nutritionals can be delivered in bulk, 260 gal tote, and 2.5 gal jugs.
Contact your Nutrien branch for more options!